Ninja NFT 1st Edition Vol. 1... Minting is LIVE!

Ninja Lounge NFT Utility

Welcome to the Ninja Lounge Rewards Based AutoStaking NFT Collection.
A first of its kind lounge utility on the BSC ecosystem. 

Buy, Hodl and earn with these spectacular ninjas. 

The ninjas enable the lounge, the holders and the projects to benefit in the following ways: 


The lounge may, at times, distribute a project's tokens to random holders of the NFTs. 

This gives everyone ample opportunity to get a bag of the presenting project's tokens absolutely cost free. 
This is a contract function and is 100% random. 

The lounge benefits from the sale of the NFTs, allowing the team to reward bigger and better prizes to the users of the lounge.


Holders may collect rewards in the guest token. This means that just from holding the NFTs and letting your rewards build, you may get a bag of the presenting project for free, allowing those with lower fund levels to invest without as much risk. 

Additional utility will be used to bolster the holdings and rewards of the NFTs. These utilities are in progress and will promote activity in the lounge as well as benefit the holders. 

Being part of the overall Auto-Staking ecosystem, rewards will automatically build up from all other volume in the ecosystem.


Project ROI is always an issue when potential projects use the lounge. This system will enable holders to create ROI when they collect their rewards in the presenting projects token.

Dark @LarkDurker NFT Artistry 

The Ninja Lounge

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